// The Revolutionary PURE Adapter For Fit Testing
PURE Adapter
Improve adapter decontamination and provide enhanced filtration options!
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// Pure Adapter
The Details
While CNP systems and traditional adapters do not increase exposure risks with respirator fit testing, customers asked for ways to improve adapter decontamination and enhance their filtration options.
YOU ASKED AND WE INNOVATED resulting in the OHD PURE Adapter which allows you to dial up your program based on the specific situation, climate and application. With OHD’s traditional adapters still available, customers now have a full range of options for their program’s specific requirements.
The PURE Adapter is more easily and thoroughly cleaned and can be equipped with optional 95% in-line filtration. Further reduce already low levels of risk if not for any other reason than peace of mind. The PURE Adapter solution offers you the ounce of prevention that may be necessary to face whatever comes next.
N-95 Filtration
To enhance your overall protection during fit testing.
Adjust Your Protection
Always be prepared for the next threat .